The price of ortho xylene has stopped falling and stabilized

The price of ortho xylene has stopped falling and stabilized this week



According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of the Business Society, as of November 20th, the price of ortho xylene was 7800 yuan/ton, which has stabilized compared to the price of ortho xylene on November 15th last week, which was 7800 yuan/ton. The price of mixed xylene stabilized after falling, while the cost of adjacent xylene stabilized; Downstream demand has stabilized, and the price of ortho xylene has stabilized after falling this week.


Raw material mixed with xylene stabilizes after decline


According to the market analysis system of mixed xylene products in the Business Society, as of November 20, the price of mixed xylene was 7120 yuan/ton, a fluctuating decrease of 1.79% compared to the price of mixed xylene of 7250 yuan/ton on November 13 last week. Crude oil prices have fluctuated and fallen, while the cost of mixed xylene has decreased. The price of mixed xylene has stabilized after falling, and the cost of raw materials for ortho xylene has stabilized. The downward pressure on ortho xylene prices has weakened.


Downstream phthalic anhydride market stabilizes after falling


According to the market analysis system for phthalic anhydride products of the Business Society, as of November 20th, the quotation for neighboring phthalic anhydride was 7487.50 yuan/ton, which stabilized after a drop of 7525 yuan/ton from November 13th last week, with a decrease of 0.50%. The operating rate of domestic phthalic anhydride remains at 60%, and the price of phthalic anhydride has stabilized after a decline, resulting in weak demand for ortho benzene.


Future prospects


Analysts from Business Society’s adjacent xylene data believe that the price of mixed xylene has stabilized after falling this week, and the cost of adjacent xylene has decreased; The price of phthalic anhydride stabilized after falling, and the market for phthalic anhydride was weak, resulting in weak downstream demand for neighboring benzene. In the future, the prices of mixed xylene and phthalic anhydride have stabilized, the cost and demand of ortho benzene are weak, the profit of ortho benzene is approaching zero, and the space for ortho benzene price decline is limited. It is expected that ortho benzene prices will fluctuate and stabilize in the future.

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