Narrow volatility in the antimony ingot market (July 28th to August 4th)

From July 28 to August 4, 2023, the antimony ingot market in East China fell first and then rose. The price was 76000 yuan/ton at the beginning of last week, and 75750 yuan/ton at the beginning of this week, a decrease of 0.33%.



The K-bar chart of commodity prices uses the concept of a price trend K-line to reflect weekly or monthly price fluctuations in the form of a bar chart. Investors can buy and sell investments based on the changes in the K-bar chart. Red indicates an increase; Green indicates a decline; The height of the K-bar represents the range of fluctuations. From the above figure, it can be seen that the trend of the antimony ingot market was relatively stable in April, and the overall market was weak in June, with most of the market falling.


The price of European strategic small metal antimony has temporarily stabilized this week, reaching $11450/ton as of August 4th. The price has remained stable this week, and the overall market atmosphere is on the sidelines.


This week, the antimony ingot market fell first and then rose, with prices slightly reduced by 250 yuan/ton during the week. The changes in supply and demand are limited, and they still turn into weak supply and demand. As downstream demand remains weak for a long time, refineries have relaxed their mentality, and market prices have started to decline. Over the weekend, manufacturers have raised prices, and prices have stopped falling. In terms of demand, the downstream antimony oxide market still performs poorly, with overall weak demand and cold market trading. The overseas market stopped falling this week, slightly boosting the mentality of the domestic market. Overall, the current market supply and demand are weak, and refineries are facing high prices. The supply and demand game is expected to temporarily stabilize the antimony ingot market in the short term.


This week, the antimony oxide market is operating weakly, with weak downstream demand and overall soft market transactions. The demand for antimony ingots remains strong, while the intention to receive goods from upstream is weak, and on-demand procurement is maintained.

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